In celebration of THE BREAKERS' NEW
Benefitting FIRST SERVE USA - Inspiring Youth to Lead
Hall of Fame Exhibition Match
The Breakers Golf & Racquet Club
FRIDAY, MARCH 21, 2025
9:30 AM - 12 PM
A mixed doubles, 10-game pro set featuring tennis legends Andre Agassi, Steffi Graf, Andy Roddick and Kim Clijsters.
Umpire: Emmy award-winning comedian, Michael Kosta
Event includes: Lights refreshments and gourmet snacks
Attire: Casually-chic resortwear
Parking: Complimentary valet
The Breakers Tennis Ball
Friday, March 21
6 PM - 11 PM
A festive and fun gala-inspired affair that includes cocktails, a seated dinner, special Q&A featuring
Exhibition Match legends Andre Agassi, Steffi Graf, Andy Roddick and Kim Clijsters - plus,
entertainment, live auction and more.
Evening Emcee: Emmy award-winning comedian, Michael Kosta
Entertainment: Marquee Show Band, a spectacular 28-piece ensemble of elite musicians with headliners Steve Memmolo and JChosen - finalists from NBC's 'The Voice'
Attire: Chic tennis attire with stylish athletic shoes
Parking: Complimentary valet
Seating: By table purchase or individual tickets now available
First Serve Pro Am
The Breakers Golf & Racquet Club
Saturday, March 22
Lunch on Veranda: 11:30 AM
Round Robin Play: 12 - 4 PM
Play tennis or pickleball with current and former top-ranking professionals.
Tennis Pro Am: Kevin Anderson
Pickleball Pro Am: Danny Wuerffel
Full roster coming soon.
Chair Umpire: Emmy award-winning comedian, Michael Kosta
For questions, please email [email protected].
First Serve USA is a 501(c)(3) not-for-profit organization.
Contributions are tax-deductible to the extent permitted by the law.
Tickets sales are transferable, but non-refundable.